Sunday, February 3, 2008

LGNC- Day 3

Tomorrow officially kicks off the challenge but I am happy to say that I am off and going with it. I guess my challenge will be a 93 day challenge.

I went grocery shopping today and stocked up on all my healthy foods. I don't ever think going to the grocery store was so hard. I noticed EVERYTHING in the store that I could not eat.. the lines were very crowded, probably from superbowl prep which made for a longer stay and a longer time to smell the hot food which smelled so good.

Overall today was a pretty good day, since I was well stocked with food. Dax is right when he says adhering to the program heavily depends on planning and having the right foods around. Yesterday I did not go shopping and still had the junk food in the house (which my brother will not let me throw away) so ate lots of fruit because that was pretty much all I could eat in the house once I got back from my 9-5 conference.

Just finished watching a GREAT SUPERBOWL!!! GO GIANTS!! The EAGLES are my team but I felt like the Giants were tonight (that's how much I wanted them to beat the Pats). I think that's all for today...I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how it goes....

Oh yea last little sidebar that you may think is tmi or not but....all the water I am drinking is definetly flushing me out, I have been to the ladies room a good six or seven times today.... ;-0)

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